Title Action Network Adds New State Partners, Launches New Membership Contest
The Title Action Network (TAN) welcomed the state land title associations of Washington, Arizona, Michigan, and Pennsylvania as official partners last week.
The new states bring TAN’s total number of state land title association partners to 29. If your state would like information on becoming an official state land title association partner, please e-mail Madeleine Nagy at [email protected] or call 202-261-2949.
TAN’s membership is now at 4,500! To capture some of the TAN excitement heading into ALTA’s Annual Convention, the Title Action Network has launched a new contest today. Any individual that recruits a new TAN member between today and September 30 will be entered to win a FREE Apple iPad! Click here for more information.
It’s simple—just ask anyone you know in the land title industry to join the Title Action Network at www.titleactionnetwork.com and make sure they list your name in the “referred by” line.
If you have any questions about starting a TAN membership drive in your state or company, please e-mail Wayne Stanley at [email protected] or call 202-261-2932.
If you'r wondering how TAN can help, check out this video:
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