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ALTA Rebrands Advocacy Conference

ALTA_Advocacy_Summit_LogoSignifying how its Federal Conference and Lobby Day has evolved over the years, ALTA announced on May 16 it has rebranded the meeting as the ALTA Advocacy Summit.

“For 20 years, ALTA has brought members to Washington to amplify our voice in the industry and to advance our interests,” said Michelle Korsmo, ALTA’s chief executive officer. “This is a purposeful event that helps attract members from across the country to Washington driven to meet with Congress and who strive to advance our industry.

"Our changes to Federal Conference elevate our position as an industry and confirm that we are coming together to a summit—a high place, for those with influence, strength and a voice that resonates. I’m proud to reveal our new vision for this very important event,” Korsmo continued.

The Advocacy Summit is an important time when title professionals exercise their political rights and use a collective voice to strengthen the industry and focus on its purpose—protecting property rights. While the state and local levels are important, the national level is critical due to increased regulatory uncertainty. 

“Advocacy is in ALTA’s mission as an association and we are prepared to lead the way, but our members are the heart and soul of our advocacy efforts,” Korsmo said. “Whether you’re a state leader, first-time attendee or you’ve attended 20 events in the past, the Summit will be the cornerstone of the title industry’s advocacy efforts where we leave a legacy of contributions for future generations.”


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