Death of a Salesman … Birth of a Sales Team
Dr. Cindy McGovern
Have you ever seen “Death of a Salesman?” It’s a classic 20th century play, telling the story of a troubled working man—yes, a salesman!—and his family, watching his life gradually fade away, spending his final days on the road, trying to make a few sales and bring home a meager commission.
Not exactly the most feel-good way to spend an evening, huh? But a classic nonetheless.
Well, it’s been nearly 70 years since that play was written, and much has changed. Well, really, EVERYTHING has changed. Because in today’s business world, the idea of a single salesman (or woman) or small team shouldering all of the weight of handling a company’s sales is long behind us.
Successful companies today have figured out that sales is EVERYBODY’S job.
And those that are truly flourishing have helped ALL of their employees understand the role they play in the sales effort, in everything they do, every day.
That doesn’t mean everyone on staff is out making calls and knocking on doors! But everyone within your organization does, at one time or another, interact with the outside world—and that means potential customers.
For front line staff, every call is a sales call, and everyone who walks through the front door is a prospect.
For support staff, every project they complete moves the customer experience forward--and when done correctly, helps develop a strong brand that holds onto current customers and attracts new ones.
Your IT staff keeps your online presence up to speed and builds technological tools that make it quick and easy for your customers to do what they need.
And even your facilities folks contribute to creating a place to do business that is pleasant, inviting, and free of distractions.
All of those things contribute to making your organization customer-focused … and impact your bottom line.
That’s why your employees are all members of your “Sales Team,” whether they know it or not. (Smart managers make sure they know it.)
In today’s business world, “Death of a Salesman” is ancient history. It’s time for the “Birth of a Sales Team!” Join me at ALTA-One this year as we explore ways to bring the new era of the “Sales Team” to life in YOUR company!
Cynthia McGovern, CEO and First Lady of Sales of Orange Leaf Consulting, will speak more in depth on this topic and explore ways to bring the new era of sales to life during the session “Birth of a Sales Team” during ALTA ONE. Click here to register.