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Planning for the Medium Term

As managers, it’s tempting to focus on the short-term profitability or long-term strategic bets on the future of the business. What gets lost is the need to successfully manage for the medium term—to navigate between decisions that will help you get the next deal and those that will get your next 100. 

What can we take from the past to help us to see this vision to prepare for what's possible in the near future. Isn't it better to be proactive than reactive?

During the session titled “Planning for the Medium Term” at ALTA ONE, you will learn about tools and tips to budget across multiple years, and to efficiently deploy your assets (both human and technology) to succeed in the short, medium and long term.

Lori Dorman is director of risk management for Agents National Title Insurance Company and Eric Schneider is the title group manager for Lakeside Title Company. The two will speak more in depth about this topic at ALTA ONE. Click here to register.


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