Why Did Your Underwriter Ask for THAT on this Commercial Deal?
By Marjorie Bardwell
Commercial vs Residential. It’s not just the size of the deal or the use of the property that make these two very different animals.
The nature of the commercial transaction—the national players, the out of state closing—these are just a few of the added layers you may find in this market segment. Coverages you never heard of and requests you’ve never entertained are a couple more. The information your underwriter may want to consider for these issues may also be novel to you. And did I mention the timelines, due diligence, corporate authority and recording considerations? It’s a whole new ball game!
Marjorie Bardwell, director of underwriting services at Fidelity National Title Group, will help you understand what to expect when dealing with commercial transactions and share a few tips on how to make the order move along more smoothly during the session “Why Did Your Underwriter Ask for THAT on this Commercial Deal?” at ALTA ONE. Click here to register.