What’s Your Culture Profile?
“Culture Eats Strategy for Breakfast” – Peter Drucker
Why is company culture important? How does it make one company very successful and one company fail? What can you do to reinforce and capitalize on a great culture or improve one that needs some work?
With all the focus on emerging technology in today’s title and settlement industry, it’s become difficult for many companies to differentiate themselves in this increasingly competitive and changing world. One of the few remaining differentiators is company culture.
Randy Bradley, executive vice president of Mother Lode Holding Company (MLHC), will share how MLHC treasures its culture and actively perpetuates and shares it on a daily basis both to recruit and retain employees and to attract and retain valued clients.
In addition, Jim Czapiga, president and CEO of CATIC, will bring attendees through some of the tools and methods he employed in changing CATIC’s culture from one that accepted things “as they were” to one that has employees engaged and focused on its forward-thinking mission, vision and values.
In this engaging presentation, attendees will also hear about Leo French, MLHC’s revered founder, and how he made culture and his company’s values the key focus of his fledgling endeavor 45 years ago and why it’s made the company successful over these many years.
Click here to register for ALTA ONE.