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Working In … Or On?

OLC Blog Pic Working On

“Working hard, or hardly working?”

Who hasn’t groaned when a coworker greets you with that dusty old joke?

Well, I’ve got a fresh take on that line:

“Working IN…or working ON?”

And if that sounds a little strange, let me explain.

During the typical work day, you’re doing all of the things you’re normally called upon to do: making calls, taking calls, emails, finances, spreadsheets, project planning, creative tasks, putting our fires, a little management here, a little leadership there. And then more calls, more emails, more fires. Lather, rinse, repeat.

Those are all activities that came with the territory—all part of working IN your business. And there’s little doubt that your business is going to suffer—a lot!—if they don’t get done.

But what about working ON your business?

Working on your business involves taking a big step back and looking at things from a slightly different perspective. It’s concerned with not just the who’s, the what’s and the when’s—but the why’s. And the how’s.

Look at it this way—if working IN your business is the equivalent of working your way through your daily project log and to-do list, working ON your business is adopting the frame of mind you needed to originally create that daily plan in the first place.

Working ON your business is taking a ten thousand-foot view, and then a deep dive into where you want to go and what you’re trying to accomplish—and how to get there.

Not to mention the biggest question—WHY you’re doing it.

Are all of these little nuts and bolts that you’re assembling in the course of your daily routine still aligned with your mission, your vision, and your strategic plan? Are they still the best way to take you where you need to go?

You’ll never know, unless you take time out to work ON your business. Sometimes we’re so busy running as fast as we can that we forget to flap our wings and try to fly.

Want to chat more about this? Well, have I got a deal for you!

Coming up this Feb. 6, I will be joining a few other experts in their field—Brie McDaniel and Kay Underwood of Title Insurance Consultants, and Ethan Powsner of Fidelity National Title Group—in a webinar sponsored by ALTA titled “Four Ideas to Move Your Agency Forward.” The webinar will be held from 1:00-2:00 p.m. EST.

And we’ll be talking about a whole bunch of ways to create a more balanced approach—how to get that necessary work ON your business done in the face of all of the work you need to do IN it.

Click here to register.

And the best part? It’s FREE.

Come join us and make 2019 the year you connect the dots and put the pieces together. I promise it will be worth your while!

And in the meantime, never forget …


Cynthia McGovern is CEO of Orange Leaf Consulting. She can be reached at [email protected].      



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