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Marketing to Your Commercial Customers

Comm business

By Amanda Calloway

During the summer between my two years of law school, I worked for one of the real estate partners at a large law firm in Atlanta. Most of my time involved listening in on conference calls, sitting in on client meetings, lunches and happy hours.

While I learned precious little about title or closings during this time, I came away from this experience with one very valuable lesson which I have carried with me throughout my career. Following each client call or meeting, the partner I was working for would have a quick re-cap discussion with me. This largely consisted of him recounting how well he’d interacted with the client, so that I could take note and model myself accordingly once I became a big shot commercial real estate attorney like him. While this seemed to me like self-congratulatory BS, something he said has always stuck with me.

During a discussion of how wonderful he was, he told me, “Amanda, you should always keep in mind that people do business with people that they like!” At the time, I recall having to resist the urge to roll my eyes while thinking, “If that’s the case then he would be his own best client … he certainly likes himself a lot.”  

However, as I’ve grown my own client base over the past 12 years of practice, I’ve found that this was great advice, ironically, from a not-so-likeable mentor. One of the keys to a successful commercial title business is repeat customers, the kind of customers who bring you every piece of business they’re involved in because they like working with you and your team. It sounds so simple, but what it takes to make them like you, I mean to really, really like you, is a bit more involved. 

In this Engagement Lab at ALTA ONE we will discuss how to:

  • L (earn about your target customers)
  • I (mpress with your expertise)
  • K (ill with customer service)
  • E (xpect future business)

LIKE your commercial clients, so that they will like you back!

Amanda Calloway of Calloway Title and Escrow LLC will address this topic during the education session titled “Marketing to Your Commercial Customers” at ALTA ONE in Austin, Texas. Click here to register.



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