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ALTA Donates to D.C. Nonprofit Supply Love

SupplyloveDuring the COVID-19 pandemic, people across the United States are looking for ways to help make a difference in their communities. For Caroline Greene, what started as a small effort to make face masks with a couple of friends, grew into a nonprofit organization with more than 50 volunteers sewing masks. Supply Love, a locally organized, community-based effort in the Washington, D.C., metro area provides masks and other necessary supplies to hospitals, first responders and community organizations on the frontlines of the COVID-19 crisis.

In recognition of Supply Love’s critical work, ALTA supported the organization’s #GivingTuesdayNow campaign as a corporate donor, contributing $750 to the group.

“We are so grateful to the volunteers of Supply Love for recognizing the needs of the community and giving their time and resources to fill the gap,” said ALTA CEO Diane Tomb. “Supply Love is not only making face masks and supplying much needed materials, they are also spreading faith and hope in a time when it’s desperately needed. ALTA was happy to donate to this effort, and we hope to continue to give to the organization in the future.”

“ALTA’s contribution in support of our #GivingTuesdayNow campaign will enable Supply Love to give 150 cloth masks to our partner organizations in the D.C. metro area,” said Greene, founder of Supply Love. “We are grateful to partners like ALTA who recognize the need to help provide those serving on the frontline of COVID-19 with masks and needed supplies.”

At first, the friends who started the grassroots organization were simply making face masks as fast as they could. They quickly realized how great the need was for masks and other supplies in the D.C. metro area and began looking for ways to grow the effort. Soon they were creating sewing kits containing patterns and enough materials to make 10 masks, dropping off the kits to more than 50 volunteer sewers and picking up the completed masks.

Established in March 2020, the volunteers of Supply Love also began collecting other needed materials. Less than a month later, the volunteers had made, collected and donated more than 5,000 surgical masks, 15,000 gloves, gallons of hand sanitizer and countless cleaning supplies to hospitals, children’s medical centers, police, firefighters, paramedics, rescue squads, food and wellness programs and many other groups. To date, Supply Love has donated almost 5,000 masks and hundreds of supplies to organizations throughout the D.C. metro area.

Supply Love operates as a partner fund of United Charitable Trust, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, and donations are tax deductible. For more information or to donate, visit supplylove.com.


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