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‘Together’ in Good Deeds

In Bellevue, Neb., Tom Low and his wife volunteer at Bellevue Together, an organization that work closely with community leaders, school teacher and counselors to help those in need. 

The group has storerooms full of clothes, furniture, school supplies and other miscellaneous items. Lowe and his wife help pick up and deliver donated items donated items such as beds, bedding and furniture.

ShoesLow said many of the people who receive help are recommended by school counselors and teaches as they get to know the children and know their needs.  

“Each July, the organization invites children in need to come and get five sets of clothes, a pair of shoes, a backpack of school items and toiletries,” said Low, a commercial underwriter for Omaha, Neb.-based TitleCore National. “ We have many volunteers to help them through this process. This year, 308 children will come through our facility in July to pick out new outfits. Money and clothing items are donated by the local community. Volunteers help every week to sort cloths and other donated items, labeling them with the correct size so they can be more readily made available.”

In 2021, Bellevue Together also donated gift cards to teachers.

“This has been a hard year for them and we wanted to show them our appreciation for their hard work and making sure our kids get what they need for success in life,” Low said.

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