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ALTA SPRINGBOARD: Shift Your Brilliance


Industries are being transformed at the speed of light. To keep pace, individuals within an organization must raise the bar on their performance and reset their mindset. The leadership skills of yesterday will not carry in today’s continually evolving economy.

During the 2022 ALTA SPRINGBOARD in Tampa, Fla., author, entrepreneur and life coach Simon Bailey shared tips on how people can find their brilliance.

He said that “every single person has brilliance within them. The problem is that this brilliance often gets buried by society’s rigid rules on how we are allowed to use our talents and abilities. It’s only when we learn to shift our way of thinking that we can find our spark.”

Bailey said employees and companies must shift and embrace new methodologies to survive, compete, and thrive through the ever-changing demographic, technological, and regulatory marketplace changes that affect businesses today. The traditional winning formulas of yesterday will not hold up to the technological solutions that will continue to automate “traditional” business processes.

“There will come a time when you have to let go of the old to embrace the new,” Bailey said. “This has to happen so you can grow and expand. When that happens, that’s the invitation to shift.”

One of the first steps to achieve brilliance is to own the moment. Bailey said moments create momentum, which creates monumental results. People need to realize that setbacks are a setup for a comeback, Bailey said.

In a world where businesses are struggling to attract talent, it’s important to remember people want to work where they are celebrated. Bailey encouraged attendees to not think they have jobs to offer but are providing opportunities. He shared results of a Gallup poll that discovered seven out of 10 people are stressed out at work Managers need to take the time to ask about employees’ well-being and provide feedback.

“It’s the breakfast of champions. Ask if employees feel valued,” Bailey said.

He shared a few examples of what companies are doing to improve morale. One business lets staff rate meetings from one to five whether it was worth their time.  Another organization takes hikes during the middle of the afternoon in an effort to “own the moment in our culture.”

“Sometimes you need to get out of the environment and talk about things that have nothing to do with the business,” Bailey said. “Creating play causes stickiness.”

In order to create moments, it’s important to upgrade your verbal software. Bailey said people must be intentional with their words and come from a place of kindness and hope.

“Be present when you’re listening to people,” he said. “Think about if you need to ask another question. How do you complement and celebrate where they are?”

Creating a moment also starts with how someone wants to receive information. Bailey related this to the book “The Five Love Languages,” which details five different ways of expressing and receiving love. These include words of affirmation, quality time, receiving gifts, acts of service and physical touch. In business, these translate to feedback and mentorship; workplace bonding; new opportunities and challenges; support; and encouraging touchpoints.

“When I relate to the cargo in your ship, we have a relationship,” Bailey said.

He provided these five tips to create a moment:

  1. Be creative
  2. Have adaptability
  3. Collaboration
  4. Tell a story
  5. Be emotionally intelligent

Concluding his presentation, Bailey challenged attendees to develop and nurture five key relationships. He also encouraged everyone to continue their pursuit of learning. Bailey said Pixar requires employees take four hours of education classes per week. The company wants its employees to constantly learn.

“You have a variety of resources at ALTA to keep learning and growing your career. ALTA will work if you work it,” Bailey said.


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