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ALTA Announces Technical Correction to Co-Insurance – Multiple Policies Endorsement

ALTA announced that on May 12 a technical correction was issued for the 2021 ALTA 23.1-06 (Co-Insurance – Multiple Policies) Endorsement. 

This technical correction represents conforming changes:

  • Allows the references to the 12-series Endorsements that are found within 23.1 to reference either the 2006 or 2021 series 12-series ALTA Endorsements, by bracketing the “-06”:

Below is the existing 23.1-06 Endorsement, with the references to the 12 series Endorsements highlighted:

Policy correction 1

Below is this 23.1 technical correction, with the conforming changes allowing for reference to either the 2006 or 2021 versions of the 12 Series Endorsements, by bracketing of the -06:

Policy correction 2

  • Modify the header, versioning and naming convention to match the 2021 styles:

The naming and versioning convention used in the 23.1-06 Endorsement was implemented as follows:

Policy correction 3

The naming and versioning convention is being changed in this technical correction 23.1 Endorsement to conform to the 2021 Standards as follows:

Policy correction 4

Click here to access the forms, including the technical correction.


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